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Anthony R. Brunello, Ph.D.
(P ’18)

Published August 3, 2017
Categories: Colleagues

For many years, the soft but powerful voice of Dr. Wiesel called out to us. He inspired my teaching, lectures and hope for humanity. Elie Wiesel introduced me to the difference between mere tolerance and true empathy, understanding, and responsibility. Most of all, Dr. Wiesel reassured me of the hope in common decency and love. Memory and stories are the measurable evidence of the eternal nature of the human experience. I will so miss the patient kindness of Elie Wiesel as he illuminated our way and reminded me of these things with each of his unforgettable visits to Eckerd College.

—Anthony R. Brunello, Ph.D. (P ’18)
Political Science Professor, Eckerd College

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