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Senior capstone course

Imagining Justice brings it all together…

…by asking all the right questions.

  • What will make me truly happy?
  • Who do I want to be?
  • What do I owe my community?

By the time you’re a senior and facing graduation, you’ll be full of questions. In the Imagining Justice senior capstone, we bring you back together with your Autumn Term class to reflect on how far you’ve come and grapple with the questions that will define the adult you’re becoming.

The capstone provides a valuable opportunity for you to reflect on your college education in an integrative fashion, that is, to make or deepen connections among the variety of liberal arts disciplines encountered in earlier courses while carefully and critically considering questions of import to humanity, past and present and anticipating some of the weighty issues you will face in your lives beyond Eckerd College.

Rather than embracing and advocating for a particular standpoint on justice, faculty will work with you in “Imagining Justice” to identify your own assumptions and hopes about justice, as well as deepen your sense of cultural literacy in order to understand the varieties of views of justice across time, around the world, and through different media.

Wrestling with justice

The experience of wrestling with issues of justice in a cohort of peers, facilitated by a thoughtful and skillful teacher, will enhance the student’s ability to address life’s challenges in informed and thoughtful ways.

We invite students to go beyond conventional boundaries and discourse and consider new ways to connect the bodies of knowledge they have learned.