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Eckerd ranks near the top among institutions for students who study abroad

By Robbyn Hopewell
Published December 8, 2017
Categories: About Eckerd, Academics, Awards, Global Education, Students
Students pose on edge of cliff

Eckerd students visiting the mountain community of Gallion, overlooking the southwestern coastline of Dominica. Photo: Kristen Malia ’17

Eckerd ranks fourth in the nation for number of students participating in short-term study abroad

In a ranking of baccalaureate colleges, the Institute for International Education (IIE) 2017 Open Doors Report for the 2015–2016 academic year showed Eckerd College as No. 4 in the U.S. for students participating in short-term study abroad and No. 10 in the U.S. for total participation in study abroad.

“We appreciate IIE’s recognition of our efforts to give all students at Eckerd College an opportunity to study abroad, which provides experience and perspective we feel are essential to their education,” said Diane Ferris ’86, director of global education. “With more than 70 percent of our students participating at some point during their four years already, we feel confident we will meet our goal of 100 percent participation by 2021.”

Eckerd students explored 23 countries during Winter Term 2017 alone.

The news from IIE came just weeks before about 415 Eckerd students led by Eckerd faculty will depart in January to nearly 30 international destinations for Winter Term study.

Students will again participate in the College’s annual Winter Term Photo Contest and Video Contest, which provide an annual gallery of their adventures.