
HD 101S: Introduction to Human Development
Theoretical and practical study of life stages; focus on physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. Exploration of normal developmental concerns over the life span with particular emphasis on how they are addressed by the helping professions.

HD 201: Human Sexuality
This course explores developmental and biopsychosocial aspects of human sexuality in terms of sexual functioning, health, and diversity of individuals and across relationships. Appropriate for students entering human service, health professions, or medical fields.

HD 203: The Adolescent Experience
Theories and research in adolescent physical, cognitive, and social development. Psychosocial challenges of adolescence. Prerequisite: HD 101S, PS 101S.

HD 204: Socialization: Study of Gender
Theories and research on gender identity, roles, and stereotypes. Emphasis on role of society and culture and their complex interaction with biology and cognition. Prerequisites: HD 101S or PS 101S or SO 101S.

HD 207S: Group Dynamics
Laboratory approach to the study of groups, including participation, observation and analysis; investigation of roles of group members, transitional stages, leadership, and group functioning.

HD 208E: Your Health and the Environment
Socioecological model of health addresses ways in which human health is influenced by both environmental and personal factors. Focus on the national initiative Healthy Campus 2010 and promotion of health in the campus community.

HD 209: Family Systems
Using a family systems paradigm, this course explores classic and contemporary theoretical perspectives on the family, contemporary issues impacting the family, the evolving family life cycle, and family therapy perspectives and techniques. Prerequisites: HD101S or PS101S.

HD 210: Counseling Strategies: Theory and Practice
Overview of counseling process and career exploration in the helping professions. Focus on psychotherapeutic approaches. For students planning to use counseling related skills in their careers. Prerequisite: HD 101S or PS 101S.

HD 214S: Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a major international crime. This course examines trafficking for prostitution, begging. domestic work, field/factory labor, adoption, soldiering , and organs. Cultural factors will be assessed.

HD 216G: Global Children's Issues
International perspective on poverty-based children's problems. Topics include housing, parenting and childcare, education, child labor, child soldiers, child trafficking, and health. In-depth study of developing countries.

HD 225: Introduction to Social Work
Introduction to profession, practice, history and value bases of social work. Examination of social welfare issues as they relate to the field of social work. Prerequisite: HD 101S. Not offered every year.

HD 235S: Aspects of Aging
Study of the complex issues and opportunities underlying the aging process, including stereotypes, relationships, coping, retirement, death, dementia, finances, family, sexuality, and health through investigation of the theoretical questions and application to daily life. Fulfills approximately 10 hours of the Reflective Service Learning Academic Requirement.

HD 255E: Health Equity and Social Justice
The nature of health (biopsychosociospiritual), structural racism, gender and religious biases, and human rights to equal resources that lead to a healthy life.

HD 291: Internship

HD 303: Death and Dying
Biopsychosocial perspectives and experiences of dying, death, and bereavement, including the complex, personal meanings of death across the lifespan, the cultural context of death, and experiences of grieving.

HD 311G: Cultural Foundations of Educat
Purpose of education through a cultural lens of cultural and historical contexts. Educational philosophies of Gandhi, Confucius, Freire and Dewey and how they envisioned education for a better world. Application of their ideas to education today.

HD 314: Creative Arts Therapies
A multi-model approach to learning the history, theory, and practice of the creative arts therapies. Students will develop skills appropriate for undergraduates in art, music, dance, drama, and narrative therapy techniques. Signature required. Please fill out an online approval form by copying this link into your internet browser -

HD 327: Research Methods in Human Development
Develop skills in reading and understanding empirical research, specifically methodology, assessment, evaluation, and statistical issues. Develop skills in writing a literature review in APA style. Prerequisites: HD 101S, HD 210, and statistics.

HD 328: Cultural Diversity: Theory and Practice
Identify elements of culture and their influence on worldview, language, contextual expectations in communication. Basic principles regarding cognitive, affective, verbal, non-verbal dimensions of communication. Theories of cultural identity development and multicultural counseling. Experiential practice. Prerequisite: HD 210 and Junior or Senior standing.

HD 386: Ethical Issues in Human Development
Development of "ethical fitness" based on model from the Institute for Global Ethics. Analysis and resolution strategies and resources applied to personal and professional ethical dilemmas. Prerequisite: HD 210.

HD 387: Forensics and Human Behavior
Major topics include criminal profiling, eyewitness identification, suggestibility, lie detection, jury selection, the insanity defense, competency to stand trial, expert testimony and ethical issues. Prerequisites: HD 101S or PS 101S; SO 160M or PS 200M.

CR 391: Equine Assisted Therapy

HD 391: Academic Internship

HD 401: Internship in Human Development
A field-based learning experience; 150 on-site hours in off- campus placements, such as centers for drug abuse, delinquency, women's services, mental health and schools. Weekly seminar. Prerequisites: Senior standing and permission of instructor.

HD 403: Practicum in Peer Counseling
Developing skills in interviewing, assessing individual problems and strengths. Role play and audiotaped counseling sessions, supervised counseling experience appropriate to student's level. Audio or video tape recorder required. Prerequisite: HD 210, Senior standing, and permission of instructor.

HD 405: Practicum in Group Process
Theory, process and applications of group development and group counseling strategies. Lab practice of effective group membership and leadership behaviors. In class videotaping and additional group observation project. Prerequisites: HD 207S, HD 210, Senior standing, and permission of instructor.

HD 410: Senior Seminar in Human Development
Students will have the opportunity to integrate information from a variety of perspectives in human development. This course is offered as a capstone experience.

HD 491: Internship

HD 498: Comprehensive Examination
The comprehensive experience is designed for students to integrate material from courses in the major, the liberal arts offerings, and relevant practical experiences. Prerequisites: HD 327 with a C- or better, HD 410 with a C- or better, Senior standing in major.

HD 499: Senior Thesis

Senior Comprehensive Experience

The Comprehensive Experience occurs ONLY during the Senior Winter Term (January). Students are required to be on campus for the entire month to attend class meetings and write a major comprehensive paper applying developmental theory to extensive lifespan interviews with individuals over the age of 65. This experience is designed for students to integrate material from courses in the major, the liberal arts offerings, and relevant practical experiences. The required Senior Seminar course preceding Winter Term provides additional preparation for The Comprehensive Experience.