MN 110S: Principles of Management and Leadership
Introduction to interdisciplinary nature of management and leadership. Survey of historical development of management as a discipline, functional areas of management, comparison of management and leadership, contemporary issues in management and leadership.
MN 218S: Grant Development
This course covers the complete process of grant proposal development: identification of an achievable and fundable project, research and assessment of viable funding sources, proposal writing, budget development, and preparation of a full proposal package for submission.
MN 220: Quantitative Methods
A variety of mathematical tools are studied which are useful in helping managers and economists make decisions. Prerequisites: Statistics, MN 272S, EC 281S, and MN 271S.
MN 242S: Ethics of Management: Theory and Practice
Ethical theories as they relate to personal and organization policies and actions. Analyzing situations which require moral decisions in the organizational context.
MN 251S: Work And Occupations
Theories and research explaining occupational choice and socialization, labor market segments, inter- and intra- generational career mobility, professionalization, deprofessionalization, and future trends in occupations.
MN 260M: Statistical Methods: Management and Economics
Introduction to quantitative analysis in economics and management. Lectures and discussions of selected problems. Data analysis projects. Prerequisite: EC 281S, EC 282S, ES 172, HD 101S MN 110S, or EN 204S. Sophomore status required.
MN 271S: Principles of Accounting I
Accounting principles used in the preparation and analysis of financial statements, accumulation of business operating data and its classification for financial reporting. Balance sheets and income statements.
MN 272S: Management Information Systems
Decisions that must be made by managers pertaining to computers and information systems. Computer terminology, hardware and programming, selecting computer and data base systems, etc.
MN 278S: Business Law
Principles, rational and application of business law and regulations. Contracts, Uniform Commercial Code, creditors' rights, labor, torts and property, judicial and administrative processes.
MN 310S: Operations Management
Concepts and applications in service and manufacturing sectors of global economy. Forecasting, product and process planning, facility location and layout, project management and operations scheduling, inventory planning and control, quality control. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
MN 312S: Women and Leadership
(Directed Study) Do men and women have different leadership styles? What makes some women more successful than others? What obstacles do women face in becoming successful leaders? Analyze cases of classical and contemporary female leaders using contemporary leadership theories.
MN 351E: Technology, Society, and Environment
Interdependent relationship of technological and social change with emphasis on evolution of models of production and service delivery, and organizational structure and functioning. Impact of demographic composition, environmental resources, economic and political structures.
MN 361: Business History
The growth of managerial enterprise, its origins and development, and the individuals important in its development, with emphasis on the U.S. context. Prerequisites: MN 110S or EC 281S or EC 282S.
MN 371: Organizational Behavior and Leadership
Major factors affecting behavior in organizations. Motivation, group and team dynamics, macroorganizational factors, leadership. Prerequisites: MN 110S and MN 260M. Junior standing required.
MN 372: Principles of Accounting II
The information utilized by operating management in decision making: determination of product cost and profitability, budgeting, profit planning, utilization of standard cost and financial statement analysis. Prerequisite: MN 271S.
MN 376: Human Resource Management
Theory and practices of personnel and human resources management in organizations, including job definition, staffing, training and development, compensation and benefits, labor relations, environmental analysis and human resource planning and controlling. Prerequisite: JR or SR standing.
MN 377: Introduction to Business Finance
An introduction to the basic principles, concepts, and methods used in the financial management of firms. Prerequisites: MN 271S and one of EC 281S, EC 282S.
MN 381: Business Analytics
This course introduces students to descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive business analytics, as well as the technical infrastructure required to manage data-driven approaches to decision-making in business.
MN 385: Leadership of Complex Organizations
Organizations are complex systems calling for leadership processes including the leader, the follower and the context to effect change. Analysis of systems, complex organizations, group, and intra-personal factors viewed through the leadership process. Prerequisite: MN 110S.
MN 391: Management Internship
MN 401: Corporate Social Responsibility
Size, structure and culture of corporate organizations and their policies, strategies and actions have significant social, economic, political, and environmental costs and consequences. Examines the impact of corporate social issues on each of these areas.
MN 406S: Non-Profit Management
Application on the principal management functions to non-profit organizations, and relations among volunteer boards of directors and professional non-profit organization managers and interactions between fundraisers, program managers, and granting agency officials, and ethical issues.
MN 411: Social Entrepreneurship
Delineating common and distinguishing features of social purpose businesses and entrepreneurial non-profits, rationale and means for developing partnerships between for-profit, non-profit, and civic organizations to pursue social entrepreneurship initiatives.
MN 479: Corporate Finance
An advanced finance course dealing with foundations of financial management used in organization decision making. Prerequisites: MN 377 or IB 378.
MN 480: Proctoring in Management
For Senior management majors, leadership experience as group trainers. Prerequisites: MN 110S and permission of instructor.
MN 482: Proctoring in Organizational Behavior
For Senior management majors, leadership experience as group trainers. Prerequisites: MN 371 and permission of instructor.
MN 498: Business Policy and Strategic Management
Comprehensive examination requirement for management and business administration majors. Practicum in general management. Prerequisite: Senior standing and successful completion of the writing portfolio.
MN 499: Senior Thesis