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Two Triton alums awarded 2018 Fulbright Scholarships

By Staff Writer
Published May 22, 2018
Categories: Academics, Alumni, Awards, Environmental Studies, Mathematics, Physics, Research, Student Research
Lina Longtoe Schulmeisters ’18 shaking hands with President Eastman at Commencement

Lina Longtoe Schulmeisters ’18 with President Eastman at the Commencement of the Eckerd College Class of 2018

Two Tritons were awarded prestigious Fulbright U.S. Student Program grants last spring to take their research projects abroad.

Lina Longtoe Schulmeisters ’18, an Environmental Studies graduate from Westtown, N.Y., will head to the University of Reading in Reading, England, to continue her research in food security. Kevin Thielen ’16, a Mathematics and Physics graduate from Bradenton, Fla., will conduct research in Sweden.

“It’s the best of both worlds for me because I will be attending graduate school and also conducting my own research,” said Schulmeisters.

In 2017, Schulmeisters won a $7,000 Morris K. Udall Scholarship for commitment to the environment. Her studies have turned toward the food management techniques of her own Native American Elnu Abenaki Tribe during times of insecurity. She’ll continue that research in Reading.

Thielen graduated from Eckerd in 2016 and matriculated at the University of Oxford as a doctoral candidate working to craft his thesis around his research on climate change.

Both students will start their yearlong research fellowships in the fall.

The U.S. Fulbright Program, a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State, awarded approximately 1,900 scholarships to U.S. students this year.