Study Abroad

According to a recent Chronicle of Higher Education article, Eckerd College sends a greater proportion of its students abroad than any other undergraduate institution in the US – some 123% of Eckerd students study abroad – that is to say, a lot of people are study abroad junkies and go more than once. Don’t be left behind!

There are numerous opportunities available to Eckerd students to study abroad. The Office of Global Education is extremely active in promoting and coordinating study abroad programs – many of which pertain directly to a degree in political science. For example, the Spring-into-Summer “United Nations in Geneva” trip sponsored by Professor William Felice offered a unique opportunity to examine the work of the affiliated agencies of the United Nations (UN) and the international community in Geneva, Switzerland.

Winter term provides an opportunity for students to go to New York and see the workings of the United Nations there. Many students take advantage of Eckerd’s London Study Centre as a way to enhance their studies, as well.