
CW 201A: Writing Workshop: Introduction to Fiction
An introduction to prosody and the craft of poetry in traditional forms. Extensive work in meter and scansion. Write in various forms, e.g., the sonnet, villanelle, ballad, sestina, rondeau, blank verse and others.

CW 202A: WritingWrkshp:Intro to Fiction
An introduction to scene writing, character development, and other narrative techniques that are commonly applied in the short story, novel, screenplay and an array of other storytelling genres. Students will read published authors, spend the semester crafting their own creative works, and present polished pieces for peer critique.

CW 203A: Intro to Scriptwriting:Theater
This workshop course examines the building blocks of creative nonfiction: scene making and dialogue, characterization, voice, tone, narrative structure, storytelling craft, ethics, and research. Students explore major subgenres such as memoir, personal essay, literary journalism, and the lyric essay, analyze texts of notable nonfiction writers, and develop their own portfolios of nonfiction.

CW 204A: Creative Nonfiction
In this course, students will learn and practice the craft of storytelling through writing for film and television. In addition to workshop, we will read, annotate, and discuss a diverse range of screenplays.

CW 205A: Introduction to Journalism
Study and practice the print news story. Explore other forms of news writing and electronic media. Identify and discuss the social, legal, and ethical issues facing the press.

CW1 210A: Internship: Eckerd Review
Internship with Eckerd Review is a year-long directed study that examines the conventions and best practices of literary editing and publishing. Students will develop the knowledge, language, and skills necessary to curate, edit, and produce the student-run literary journal, Eckerd Review. Students develop their skills through coursework in the fall semester and put their knowledge to practice in the spring semester. Two semesters required for one credit.

CW2 210A: Internship: Eckerd Review
Internship with Eckerd Review is a year-long directed study that examines the conventions and best practices of literary editing and publishing. Students will develop the knowledge, language, and skills necessary to curate, edit, and produce the student-run literary journal, Eckerd Review. Students develop their skills through coursework in the fall semester and put their knowledge to practice in the spring semester.

CW1 215A: Internship:The Current 1st Sem
A practicum with the student newspaper, The Current, including basics in newsroom management, reporting, and writing. Students work on all issues over two semesters, complete formal, complementary coursework, and receive one course credit.

CW2 215A: Internship:The Current 2nd Sem
A practicum with the student newspaper, The Current, including basics in newsroom management, reporting, and writing. Students work on all issues over two semesters, complete formal, complementary coursework, and receive one course credit. Prerequisite: CW1 215A.

CW 301: Writing Workshop: The Memoir as Story
Read major figures in contemporary poetry and work toward an understanding of one's self as a writer and of the world and words to create mature works that communicate with an audience. Prerequisite: CW 201A.

CW 302: WW: Intermediate Fiction
Continued emphasis on the craft of revision, development of an individual voice, critical and analytical writing and speaking. Prerequisite: CW 202A.

CW 303: Writing Workshop: Intermediate Fiction
An immersive workshop focusing on writing across a number of nonfiction forms and their hybrids: personal essay, literary journalism, memoir, and experimental forms. We’ll study and produce our own works in these forms.

CW 305: WritingWrkshp: Feature Writing
Students write the feature - the longer, expanded, research-based, journalistic form focused on storytelling. This workshop examines techniques in reportage, point-of-view, narrative structure, and storycraft. Students analyze some of the finest features published in the last thirty years, develop their own features, workshop, revise, and query the features market. Prerequisite: CW203A or CW205A.

CW 306: Writing Workshop: Intermediate Poetry
Writing one-act plays, reading short plays, including traditional and experimental forms. Emphasis on rewriting, the development of works through several phases of composition.

CW 310A: Craft of Writing
Students will review grammar, poetic and narrative rhetoric and analyze literary texture. Prerequisite: CW201A, CW202A, CW 203A, any composition course, or junior standing.

CW 311: Avant-garde Poetry
Avant-garde poetry will explore the possibilities of poetry on and off the printed page. We will create work in response to surrealism, visual and concrete poetry, illustrated poetry, sound poetry and haptic poetry. Prerequisite: CW 201A, IA 200, or AR 101A.

CW 331G: WritingWorkshop:Travel Writing
Read travel writing in daily newspapers and travel magazines Travel to local places of interest and exotic locales. Explore the travel industry, and learn marketing, research, and observation.

CW 401: Publishing and the Writing Career
Read and discuss books of poetry by contemporary poets, working toward an understanding of the conventions of contemporary poetry. Focus on the writing process. Suggestions for submitting poetry to journals. Prerequisite: CW 301, or permission from the instructor.

CW 402: Writing Workshop: Adv Fiction
Read and discuss published fiction and commentary on writing. Discuss original student works. Students may submit short stories or novellas. Prerequisite: CW 302, or permission from the instructor.

CW 403: Writing Wkshp: Adv Nonfiction
This course examines the forms and themes, structures and conventions of the personal essay, perhaps the most fluid and dynamic form under the creative nonfiction umbrella. The workshop considers the essay's historical roots with particular attention to how the form is practiced by contemporary writers. Students read, analyze, exercise, compose and workshop the personal essay. Prerequisite: CW 303, or permission from the instructor.

CW 404: WW: Advanced Screenwriting
Write one full-length feature film script (120 pages). View and discuss classic movies. Read screenwriting texts. Small group work outside of class. Prerequisites: CW 304, or permission from the instructor.

CW 407: Writing Workshop: Lyric Essay-Hybrid of Poetry and Prose
The Lyric Essay straddles poetry and prose: it's a lyric, and it's an essay. A fascinating hybrid of creative nonfiction, it unfolds through images, wedding facts and truth with poetic distillation. The course will examine experimental forms of the lyric essay including: collage essays, braided essays, prose poems, and visual essays. Prerequisite: CW204A or CW200A

CW 410: Publishing &the Writing Career
Analyze the editorial preferences of journals and write poems, stories, essays, reviews, and interviews. Find information about publishing and learn how to use it. Revise and submit work to journals.

CW 412: Novel Writing
Explore the craft of longer fiction and how to meet its creative challenges.

CW 413: LyricEssay-Hybrid/Poetry&Prose
The Lyric Essay straddles poetry and prose: it's a lyric, and it's an essay. A fascinating hybrid of creative nonfiction, it unfolds through images, wedding facts and truth with poetic distillation. This Writing Workshop will examine experimental forms of the lyric essay including: collage essays, braided essays, prose poems, and visual essays. Prerequisite: CW 201A or CW 203A.

CW 415: Web Journalism
Directed Study course. Learn skills for writing for the Web. Students will hone newsgathering, interviewing, and writing skills for Web exclusives to the online version of the student newspaper. Prerequisite: CW 220A.

CW 498: Creative Writing Capstone
Students will write and revise work in their chosen genre and submit finished pieces for publication.

CW 499: Senior Thesis