Jon Chopan

Professor of Creative Writing

Roberts Music Center 124
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Pulled From the River (Black Lawrence Press 2012)
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Veterans Crisis Hotline (University of Massachusetts Press 2018)


  • MFA, The Ohio State University
  • M.A., SUNY Oswego
  • B.A., SUNY Oswego


Jon Chopan is a writer, teacher, and editor. His fiction and nonfiction have appeared in Glimmer Train, Hotel Amerika, The Southampton Review, Post Road, and elsewhere. Professor Chopan has worked as an editor and reader for Sweet, Prime Number Magazine, and Epiphany. His first book, Pulled from the River, was published by Black Lawrence Press. His second, Veterans Crisis Hotline, was the winner of The 2017 Grace Paley Prize for Short Fiction and was published by The University of Massachusetts Press. Professor Chopan teaches courses in fiction and nonfiction as well as study abroad courses that explore travel writing, editing, and publishing through The Gower Street Press.

Selected works