ES 172: Introduction to Environmental Studies
Such topics as conserving biological diversity, sustaining energy, shaping cities, strengthening global environmental governance. Human roles and responsibilities, the scientific, political, economic, and ethical issues involved in the attainment of a sustainable future.
ES 211: Intro To Earth Sciences
Introduction to major topics in geology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy, the natural forces that shape our physical environment, in order to appreciate and preserve the planet.
ES 214: Green Design
Learn basic design principles and apply these principles to product, building, neighborhood, and energy system design with a focus on minimizing environmental impact.
ES 216: Intro to Coastal Management
An introduction to the fundamentals of coastal management principles and practices by examining marine parks, mariculture, international marine affairs and coastal environmental activism.
ES 218S: Energy Policy
Introduction to the social costs and benefits of existing and potential energy sources and analysis of U.S. energy policy at the state and federal levels
ES 220N: Citizen Science
Citizen Science uses trained volunteers to expand the ability of scientists to answer questions about our world. In this class you will evaluate and participate in outdoor and internet-based citizen projects.
ES 225: Environmental and Climate Justice
Critical analysis of the intersections of race, class, gender, and the environment. Topics include race and the environmental movement, U.S. and international environmental justice movements, and the justice implications and consequences of climate change.
ES 228: Food and Sustainability
Analysis of food production, distribution, and consumption from the local to the global scale with an emphasis on the environmental, nutritional, social, and political-economic challenges of contemporary food systems.
ES 270N: Introduction to Environmental Biology
Study of ways in which humans affect and are affected by the environment, with focus on biology. General ecology, population, genetics, identification, and use of natural resources, pollution, social institutions, ethics.
ES 274: Seabird Stewardship
Seabirds nest directly on Florida beaches where they are often disturbed by people and predators. Students will educate the public near a bird colony and collect data on the effectiveness of their stewarding. This course fully satisfies the College's RSL requirement (20+ hrs).
ES 280: Environmental Education
Introduction to environmental education theory, methods, and program examples from a variety of settings. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing and ES 172.
ES 285E: Waterbird Biology and Conservation
Birds that are dependent on the water for food have unique biological challenges and adaptions. This class will be a blend of in-class lectures and discussion, field trips, and service learning.
ES 291: Internship
ES 315S: Wildlife Politics and Policy
Introduction to wildlife policies and contemporary social and political debates in wildlife management. Conduct case study analysis, critically evaluate real-world wildlife dilemmas, and make reasoned recommendations regarding policy actions. Prerequisites: sophomore standing and ES 172.
ES 317: Global Environmental Change
An analysis of global environmental change from a scientific perspective, with an examination of how the economic and political forces interact. Focus on the science of climate change and regional impacts, ending with possible solutions, both personal and societal. Prerequisites: ES 211 or MS 101N.
ES 321S: Marine Protected Species
Course explores principles and practices of management of marine protected species (whales, dolphins, fish, sea turtles, and corals) under Marine Mammal Protection Act, Endangered Species Act, and the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Prerequisite: ES 172 Introduction to Environmental Studies.
ES 328: Food Movements
Investigate the diversity of movements aimed at enhancing the equity and environmental sustainability of food systems. Students will critically evaluate these movements and apply their understanding to local food initiatives. Prerequisite: ES 172.
ES 341N: GIS for Environmental Studies
Learn geographic information system (GIS) theory and applications specifically related to the study of the environment through lecture and hands-on work. Prerequisite: ES 172 or MS 101N.
ES 342: Remote Sensing
Introduction to remote sensing principles, techniques, and applications. This course uses satellite and airborne imagery to introduce methods for the assessment of plant health, characterization of soil, water resource analysis, and other environmentally motivated tasks. Prerequisite ES 172 or MS 101N.
ES 344H: Nature and Popular Culture
Students will examine ways in which nature has been understood and valued throughout the history of American popular culture. Explore how popular cultural veiws of nature resist or consent to environmental exploitation.
ES 351E: Influential Environmental Writers
Examine environmental values, ideologies, and relations through discussions of influential environmental writings. Major topics include: Jeffersonian agrarian vision; transcendentalism; early conservationism and preservation; ecology as activism; counter-culture voices in the wilderness/ literature of environmental justice.
ES 357: Environmental Health
Comprehensive overview of the relationship between the environment and human health from global to local scales. Topics include water and sanitation, infectious diseases, solid waste management, food safety, toxicology, risk assessment, and other environmental hazards.
Prerequisites: ES 172 or BI112.
ES 372N: Estuaries
Examination of the unique environments of estuaries with a focus on Tampa Bay; including aspects of estuarine biology, chemistry, and geology, impact of human activities, and estuarine management. Prerequisites: ES 172 and ES 270 or permission of instructor.
ES 374: Osprey Conservation/Monitoring
ES 375: Environmental Communication
Through case studies of past, current, and future environmental issues, students will learn how the natural world and environmental concerns have been communicated historically and how they can be best communicated today through various mediums. Prerequisite: ES 172 or CM 101.
ES 391: Internship
ES 460: Coastal Hazards: Science and Management
This course investigates both the science and management of natural hazards in coastal regions, with specific attention on interactions between human populations and the coastal environment before, during, and after natural hazards events.
ES 461: Coastal Ecosystem-based Management
Ecosystem-based management represents management approaches which emphasize restoring and protecting the health, function, and resilience of entire ecosystems. This course investigates key concepts and applications of ecosystem-based management. Prerequisites: ES216, junior standing.
ES 463: Fisheries Governance
This course asks: how are fisheries around the globe being governed today, and how might they become more sustainable? Students will critically evaluate the complexities faced by fisheries managers. Prerequisite: ES 172 or AN 210.
ES 470: Wetland Environments
Introduction to the principles of wetland science, including distribution, classification, and function; physical attributes (hydrology, soils, and biogeochemistry); general ecology and biological adaptations of wetland flora; human and natural impacts to wetlands; and restoration. Prerequisite: ES 172, ES 211N or MS 101N, and Junior or Senior Standing.
ES 475: Climate Change Communication
This course will enable students to effectively communicate about climate change to various audiences through the application of primary, cutting edge social science research on public opinion, understanding, acceptance, and action. Prerequisite: ES 172 or ES 317 and Junior or Senior class standing.
ES 491: Internship
ES 493: Sustainable Cities
Sustainable Cities studies cities as human habitat. Using St. Petersburg as a model to study urbanization, this course provides students with the conceptual background to develop research projects related to urban sustainability. Prerequisites: ES 172 and Junior Standing.
ES 498: Research Methods/Practicum
Employ environmental studies research and analysis skills to complete an original research project; critique academic research; complete an environmental internship. Comprehensive exams on key methods and topics in environmental studies.
ES 499: Senior Thesis - Research